Tuesday, 22 November 2011

somewhere only we know

udah pernah nonton he's just not that into you?? film yang bagiku keren dan lucu. nah ini ada salah satu soundtrack dari film itu yang asik buat didengerin:
"Somewhere Only We Know"

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

Oh simple thing where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
So why don't we go

This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know

This could be the end of everything,
So why don't we go,
Somewhere only we know,
Somewhere only we know,
Somewhere only we know. 

diambil di sini

cara hidup sehat

setelah dateng ke acara seminar cara hidup sehat kemarin, dapet ilmu yang berguna dan ingin aku share.

pertama, kita harus tahu bahwa tubuh kita terdiri dari otot,lemak, organ, rangka. rangka dan organ tidak bisa diubah, otot dan lemak bisa dimodifikasi. Nah untuk hidup sehat,kita tuh harus memiliki lemak maksimal 20% (aku sendiri masih punya lemak 23,6% :">). seorang atlet bola bisa saja memiliki lemak hanya 7%, kereeeen yaaa (bayangin tubuh lampard yang sexy ,heheheehhe).

untuk mengurang lemak itu, kita harus menjaga pola makan dan olahraga. Usahakan olahraga 2 kali seminggu dengan durasi minimal 10 menit. olahraganya usahakan yang membakar lemak, seperti lari, renang, dll.
Trus, kalau untuk makanannya, hindari GORENGAN,VETSIN, GULA. gantilah gula pasir dengan gula aren, trus makan-makanan yang berkuah, ganti nasi putih dengan nasi merah atau kentang.

simple kan, tapi untuk mengubahnya itu butuh usaha keras, dan harus berkesinambungan,hehehehehehe.
karena sehat bikin kita sexy,cantik,kuat dan bahagia :)

Monday, 7 November 2011

girl's move

taken from CHUCK tv series

How great is your love (SNSD)

pernah dengerin lagu SNSD yang ini? It's so sweet. in translatenya: diambil dari sini

In your smile that’s like a spring day, the whole world gets brighter
It makes me dream again
On the day where the sun sparkles,
I hold your hand and walk in sync with your footsteps
When I sometimes walk ahead and suddenly look back
That face that looks at me is so eye-blinding
* When I hear the sound of spring coming, I walk on the path with the bloomed flowers
When the rainy summer comes, I walk as I see the rainbow
When autumn passes and winter comes, with the warmth from our hands
We walk together – how great is your love
I always waited for a love that resembles the sky to be given to me
On the day where the stars twinkle, I walk to the melody of the birds
Your seasons that go round and round, repeating like a secret
In that unchanging love, my eyes are blinded
When I hear the sound of spring coming, I walk on the path with the bloomed flowers
When the rainy summer comes, I walk as I see the rainbow
When autumn passes and winter comes, with the warmth from our hands
We walk together – how great is your love
You became a bright light to me, who was exhausted by the world
Even if winter comes at the end of this narrow road we walk together
If you would hold my hand, to me, this rough world will be like spring days
How great is your love
How great is your love

stop being gossiip girl/boy!!

judul film kah??
bukan kok, hehehe. cuma pingin cerita pengalaman pribadi tentang menjadi bigos. hehehehe.

wah, sejak kapan jadi bigos nih??
SMA. entah dari mana sebutan itu berasal. tapi , karena punya banyak link. gosip-gosip mulai datang dan banyak yang mulai percaya bahwa saya sumber gosip. daaan, sekarang, akhirnya mendapat karmanya!, hahahaha.

karma gimana??
yaah, mulai banyak yang ngegosipin aku suka ama si A lah, si B, si C. sampe bingung itu gosip dari mana. sampe capek sendiri dan pingin nangis. dan tau ga sebutan mereka buat aku?sabet sana sabet sini!!!

wew, sebutan yang sangat aneh dan agak nyebelin!
that's right!!so annoying!! bingung aja sih, kenapa jadi gini . Kayaknya beneran karma dari Tuhan deh. *disaat udah berhenti untuk mulai mendengarkan gosip, cobaannya malah berat gini*

yaah, ada pepatah, jalan untuk bertobat pasti banyak rintangan. anggap aja anjing menggonggong!
Try to be cool, but it didnt work! *sebenernya pingin bilang JUST SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH DUMBASS!!*
Dulu seorang teman cerita, karena dia sering diolok-olok sama orang yang dia ga suka, dia malah kehilangan cintanya, karena cintanya menganggap temenku sudah ada yang punya. And it happen to me now!!! so sadly ;_;
dan yang menjengkelkan, kayaknya banyak yang ga suka karena gosip-gosip tak bersahabat ini. kayaknya pada mikir "ih sok kecakepan aja, sabet sana sabet sini!". Jadi ga enak kaaan :'( 
saatnya bertobat untuk menjadi gossip girl, hihihihihi. 

sabar aja yaa, semua pasti ada karmanya! Fighting!!\^^/
Btw, penampilan baru niih..hihihi
Finally, sebutan betty lafea benar-benar terjadi padaku, hahahahha. kurang kacamata aja siih. hehehehehe. Tapiiii, kalau betty udah nemuin armandonya. aku belum nemuin, hihihihihi.

semangat ya buat ngejar impian mencari the true prince of your life!! Aja Aja Fighting!!!