Monday 3 December 2012

Hotel Transylvania

Suka Selena? Suka Adam Sandler? nah kalau suka dua-duanya brarti wajib nonton Hotel Transylvania niih.
Walaupun kartun yang kayaknya ditujukan buat anak kecil, tapi inti ceritanya tuh tentang dracula yang jatuh cinta.

Pangeran dracula membangun sebuah hotel yang akan dihuni oleh para monster diseluruh dunia, tujuannya yaitu agar anaknya akan aman dari manusia. Para monster ini menganggap manusia adalah makhluk yang jahat dan kejam karena suka menyakiti para monster.

Nah suatu hari, ada manusia yang datang ke hotel tersebut. si dracula panik dan ingin segera mengenyahkan si manusia itu biar ga ganggu para tamu dan anaknya. Eh, bukannya mengenyahkan, tapi mereka malah akrab. dan ga diduga ternyata si mavis (anaknya si dracula) jatuh cinta ke manusia. Papanya awalnya melarang, tapi pada akhirnya ya ngebolehin sih.

Yang menarik nih, dalam cerita ini, si dracula bilang bawah Zing (Cinta Sejati) hanya terjadi sekali dalam seumur hidup mereka. Disini juga ada cerita haru tentang kisah pengeran dracula dan istrinya yang harus bersembunyi dari manusia.

ini salah satu kutipannya:
Mavis: "Dad, you said when I turned 118 I could go out in the world like every other adult that gets to come and go from this hotel. 'But Mavy Wavy, it's not safe, blah blah blah.' Dad, 30 years ago you promised. I remember we were both eating mice and you specifically said that you gave me your word.
Dracula: "Good morning, Mavy wavy. Happy birthday, my little mouse"
Mavis: "Dad, I know it's my birthday."
Dracula: "I have so much fun planned! Woo hoo! But first we go catch some scorpions together, just the two of us. Yes?"
Mavis: "Dad, just let me speak. There's something we have to talk about."
Dracula: "You want to go out in the world, you can."
Mavis: "I knew you were going to say that. You know that I know that a Dracula's word is sacred, that trust is the core of our... Wait, what?"
Dracula: "I said you can go."
Mavis: "You're just playing with me."
Dracula: "No, no, no, you're old enough to drive a hearse now, you're old enough to make your own choices. You can go."
Mavis: "Holy rabies! Holy rabies!"

another quote
Your zing will come, my love. Cherish it. Love, Mommy.

Dracula: You know, Mommy already gave you her birthday present. Can I now give you mine? [Shows Mavis a black and pink backback with the hotel's logo on it]
Mavis: [Confused] What do I need this for?
Dracula: Oh, it comes with an accessory. [Turns the backpack and reveals a smiling Jonathan]
Mavis: [Shocked] You?
Jonathan: [Lovingly] You.
Mavis: Why are you back?
Jonathan: 'Cause you're my zing, Mavis.
Mavis: [Suprised] I'm you're zing? But... you told me you hate monsters.
Jonathan: Yeah, well... I was afraid your dad was going to suck all the blood out of my body if I didn't say that.
Dracula: [Laughs nervously] I wouldn't have! I-- [Defeated] No, he's right, I would've done that...
Mavis: Dad!

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