Wednesday 9 January 2013

Special Friends

I want to tell you about my two friends. I thought they are the best and more mature than me, hehehhehe. They taught me everything about life. lets's call them A and B.

A is a person who taught me about "not too care about everything and life easily" :) His favourite words is "Ngapain dipikirin sih". Yups, dia memang cuek dan percaya diri tinggi. Beda dengan saya yang selalu memikirkan apa kata orang dan apa yang terjadi dengan perasaan orang lain (terlalu sensitif kalau orang bilang). Tapi setelah mendapat pelajaran berharga dari dia, saya jadi agak bisa rilex dan mikir "who care what people said about you. Yang penting hidup kita nyaman dan bahagia" hehehhehehe
Walaupun teman-teman saya bilang bahwa hidup saya seperti dongeng "Once upon a time.....and The End. Live happily ever after"  yang hidupnya ga berkonflik , tapi karena terlalu mikirin perasaan orang lain kadang bisa kepikiran sampe menguras waktu untuk menyelesaikan satu masalah.
Dan satu hal yang saya sangat kagumi dari teman saya ini yaitu dia Super duper PD aka percaya diri. Dia bisa diacungi jempol deh untuk tindakannya.
Admire him? of course!!!

Then let's talk about another friend. She is wonderfull girl with a lot of  talent. She taught me about passion in work. She rejects a job with good salary, but it's not her passion. She chose another job that have less salary, but she love it. She said "If we do a job with passion, we will enjoy it and never feel bored. But, if we choose job with no passion, in short time we'll feel bored and want to quit" . After she said about it,my mind repeatedly ask "Is this what I want? ". After thinking a lot, I though that my job (the job that I am waiting for the offer letter) is my dream, because I can use both my brain and my muscle :) . I hope my decision is right :)

I admire them a lot. In sad and happy, I will always with them :). My beloved friend <3

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