Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Age Just a Number

Have you heard that sentences before?
I heard it a lot on memes and it refer to relationship.
But, I don't want talk about relationship now.
I quote that to remind me that age maybe just a number, but as time goes by, our wisdom and our physic also change.

I made a video call today with my mom. usually I never notice about how old is she. we just talk over the phone and since she always cheerful, I always thought that she is quite young. compare to Mr. President or my neighbours , my parents quite young. and then, today it hit me. I saw wrinkles on her faces, white hair , etc. this make me realize that my parents also grow old like and by the time, they maybe leave us.

as a time goes by, I don't want to waste my time not to spend my life without my parents. because I never know when they will leave us or when I will leave them.

Monday, 11 May 2020

como quiero que me quiera.

There's a tongue twister in español about love:
Cómo quieres que te quiera
Si el que quiero no me quiera
No me quiere como quiero que me quiera.
It has deep meaning or sad meaning actually.
One sided love become my routine I think, so this words really have deep impact for me.
Some people said that I'm too picky that's why I'm single for too long. maybe I am picky, but it will be uncomfortable if someone beside me will not love me the way that I want.
Just because we want in relationship, I don't want it to be forced love.

someone asked me last week, what is my ideal type. I said I want someone whom gentle. and he asked to define what is gentle type. I said it's hard to describe, sometimes it's from the simple act or what he said. for example : just because someone did not say thank you to waitress, I will put him in red mark (hahahaha), it's really simple right. Or someone who will hold the door for me, it will be plus side. and My friend replied, even after he did all of those things, some of his girl friend said that he is not gentle type. From that, I think, gentle is not a standard but it's manner that have each criteria for each person. I live in field for too long, maybe my standard become simple.

entonces, como quiero que me quiera?
maybe someone who respect me, treat me as woman/female and someone with good manner. someone who will not embarrassed while walking or speak to me. and someone can put me in ease and never make me cry. and someone who can cure my insomniac.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Feliz Cinco de Mayo

What we celebrate in this day:
  • Bonza Bottler Day 
  • Cartoonists Day 
  • Childhood Depression Awareness Day - May 5, 2020 (First Tuesday in May)
  • Childhood Stroke Awareness Day 
  • Cinco de Mayo 
  • Europe Day (Council of Europe) 
  • Foster Care Day - May 5, 2020 (First Tuesday in May)
  • Hand Hygiene Day 
  • International Midwives Day 
  • National Chocolate Custard Day 
  • National Hoagie Day 
  • National Teachers Day - May 5, 2020 (Tuesday of the First Full Week in May)
  • Square Root Day - not until May 5, 2025
  • Totally Chipotle Day 
  • World Asthma Day - May 5, 2020 (First Tuesday in May)
and usually I will celebrate this day and my family will wish me a lot of good wishes. But, deep down, I never like this date and instead I will celebrate it on 23 July.
and that wishes actually granted. 2 years ago, I have bad news and I took it really bad. I still remember the text that said "I am sorry, you have to hear this news on your special day", and that make me more hate this date. so, I decided that I will make this date will be full with good memories.
2 years ago, I run away to Japan to make this date have happy memories.
I have holiday with my friends and travelling around Japan.
A year ago, I went to concert and after that I have fine dining and crazy night with my best friend. I still remember I ordered spaghetti, wine and bruschetta.
and today, I have dinner with my friend and have an amazing conversation with my best friend. And also God give me a gift to have beautiful dream about travelling at the beach and meet my best friends. Today also I can capture  Aquariids in my app (it's rarely happen to me , hahaha). So I would say that one more beautiful memory has happen to me.

Feliz Cinco de Mayo :*

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Sebuah Teori

This story is about me and my bestfriends. We live in the same house. Let say she is A, and the other is B. A and B came from same university, me and A came from same high school.
Three of us is single. And lately there’s unique or interesting experience.

A have crush with R. R currently is master degree student from my university.
B have crush with I. And he is kind of close with B (looks like they have promising future)
And me have crush with N. He is my senior from my university .

Without telling each other about our crush, actually we fell for the guy with the same name. And have similar attitude. And the funny side, we got rejected in almost the same time hahahhahaha.
And we tell about this after got rejected and we’re surprised that we fell for the jerk guy and have similar name. Hahaha.i know it’s just coincidence, but it’s happen once in a blue moon.

Ps: actually I showed N’s picture to them, and it’s their type before they know the real him.