Monday 13 April 2020

13rd April of Misery

13rd April 2020,
I think I got friendzoned by my crush. It's really hurt.
It's almost make me cry, but luckily I am not crying.
the last text that he messaged me is "dapat kerjaan dan pasangan yang cocok ya"
and from his text, it looks like I got friendzone.

I talk to my close friend about this, and we laugh together. hahahha. when I think I am ready for relationship, turn out it's not my fate. she give me an advice that I should not overthinking about this. and give me an advice that I should look for kind hearted man instead of just physic. this is what she said " coba skrg kamu nilai cowo itu dr sikap dan pemikiran dia instead of his looks"

This condition always make me more insecure about myself. Am I not good enough? what should I do to make someone accept me for who I am. am I asking too much?
same question, and it will always end up with blaming myself and feel insecure.
I know, I should not feel insecure and cure this. but, it's so hard.
this always make me thinking, what kind of guy that suitable for me. am I too picky? am I too ugly?

am I too much if I ask to God that my man should be someone who is caring and kind? and someone who can say "I will always by your side to comfort you". someone who really care about me not because what I have. someone who really treasure me and love me.

someone who call me "mi tesoro"

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