Saturday 4 April 2020

Define what is Love?

let me quote it from wikipedia
As an interpersonal relationship with romantic overtones, love is sometimes contrasted with friendship, although the word love is often applied to close friendships or platonic love. (Further possible ambiguities come with usages "girlfriend", "boyfriend", "just good friends").
even that word has their own hormone. it called oxytocin.
so, for me basically, it just some chemist reaction inside our body.
But, like I said before. this feeling could make you feel fluttered. and like butterfly inside your stomach.
Like Chuck Bass said "I have not sleep, I feel sleep there's something in my stomach fluttering"
Maybe it feels like flowery feeling, jajajaja.
some people will be happy when this feeling happen. But some, might be frightened with this feeling.
there's some words that I think really romantic. "Otra midad" it means other half or "Media Naranja", basically it means half of oranges, but since it complete the others, it have meaning my soulmate.
and the other word that I like is "mi tesoro" means my treasure. some one who can treasure me than I can treasure myself and can protect me.
when I was fall in love, I feel all of those feeling. but since love means so much to me, I always drown to it like a drunk person. then when it's time to part away, I realise that all this years sometimes I never felt loved or appreciated. it just felt platonic or just physical need. and sadly, some of their word just destruct me and said that I am not worthy.
one wish for sure, if someday I can find someone who love me back as much as I love them (actually that my last year wish "I wish everything that I love will love me back"). I think that's everyone wish that there's some one that can treasure their beloved one. someone who really care and protect you and really understand you like you are their other half.

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